If you own a business, and you have several customers that have been dedicated in boosting your profits because of their loyalty to your company, you may want to give them a token of your appreciation. Many people enjoy receiving a surprise gift, and you will most likely benefit with retaining repeat business simply by sending your best customers something special in the mail. Here are some ideas you can use to reward your customers for their business relationship with your company.
Offer A Deep Discount
Sending a coupon to your best customers for a large amount off of a future order will most likely entice them to make a purchase. This saving method will show your customer you are aware of their past purchases and they may be more inclined to come back for another one if they are given the incentive to do so.
When sending coupons, place an expiration date on the paperwork so the customer will need to make a quick decision in making another purchase. Do this at a time when there are no other sales prevalent within your company, making it enticing to the customer to cash in and allowing you to retain most of your profit as you are not giving discounts to other customers at the time.
Send A Useful Tool
Many customers will be thrilled to receive an item they can use within their office. Executive pens are a wonderful gift that show appreciation in a professional manner. Consider ordering several fine-rolling pens and box them in sturdy packaging that you can wrap as a gift before placing in a shipping container. These pens will quickly become favorite accessories to your customers and they may use them for special occasions since they are fine-quality items.
Consider personalizing pens you send out with the appropriate customer's name. This will show you want the customer to have a trinket that is meant for them only. Other office supply ideas include staplers, picture frames, or notepads. Each of these can include personalization as well.
Mail Some Fun Clothing
If you want your customer to have a token while helping you advertise your company to others, consider sending them some clothing to sport with the name of your business displayed upon each time. T-shirts and sweatshirts are well-received gifts, as they are useful and can spread the word about your company to anyone viewing the items. This is a great way to advertise in demographic areas you do not usually target, increasing the likelihood of an expanded customer base as a result.
Other clothing items you can mail include windbreakers, hats, or accessories such as trendy bags. If your customer does not use these items themselves, they may pass them along to friends or family members, allowing you to still grab new customers from the advertisement included on the items.